Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blog on favorite Hip-Hop song

The song that I chose that means something important, and is reminent of early hip-hop music is U.N.I.T.Y by Queen Latifah. In the song she talks about how women, specifically black women, should stand up to the degradation and disempowerment that exists in the black community at that time. She points towards key social issues in relationships with men and how many women in the black community are treated of lesser value and this should not be tolerated. The song's title is unity and she expresses in the song how black people should stand up in unity and respect one another, and not degrade others of the same race. They need to look out for each other, instead of degrading one another based on gender. I really like the songs beat and it really reminds me of how hip-hop music has changed over time to something that I feel has lost what it was originally intended to do, expose social problems and try and create change for a better society. This song does a good job of exposing real social problems evident in black communities and Queen Latifah's message is promoting a more positive view on women. I was fortunate enough to see her in concert and her music now is in the Jazz genre instead of hip-hop. She has really emerged as an experienced and great singer in different genres. Here is the link for the lyrics of the song U.N.I.T.Y and the music video on YouTube...

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