Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Final Post

What is the most important concept you have learned in this class? What do you still wish you knew more about?

The most important concept that I learned is that no matter what your major is you can not know enough about African American culture. I was wondering if this course would teach me anything new about African American culture seeing as though this is the last course I need to graduate with my African American Studies BA degree. Finding out about the aesthics of hip hop and blues was something I knew nothing about. Most of my courses seem to steer away from hip hop because of the negative stereotypes that students associate with hip hop. To know that there are terms to label various entites in the hip hop culture was interesting and to learn about the break down of blues and what makes it important to African American culture. I wish that we would have learned more about African Americans who are continuing to have a positive impact on African American culture today. I think that more of the course was focused on historical information (which I know is important)without giving a large amount of African Americans who are maintaining and influencing culture today.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good point. Maybe I should do more with guest speakers or have the class read a current autobiography? Or maybe some pieces from popular journalism or more contemporary films?
