Mos Def and Talib Kweli's Hip Hop duo Blackstar best depicts the black/African in American culture in my eyes. These men both stand as two of the most eloquent and authentic MCs in the game and their work together as Blackstar only emphasizes those qualities. Their subject matter and approach to their music is an educated and informative manner of flowing that shatters the steretypical imagery of hip hop music being a game for thugs, drug dealers, and the like. Within these tracks they attack the issues that contemporary African Americans face everyday but they also speak on the history of a culture. In a non-threateneing and poetic fashion, these men cover areas that are quite traumatic to some but they speak with an elegance and a vocabulary that makes these hip hop tracks seem more like spoken word at times. Not only is this an artistic expression but a boisterous shout that hiphop and its artists do not need to feed into steretypes of what many think of African Americans but instead instill pride and lead a people by example.
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