The image that I found that really caught my attention is a painting of a little girl going to school and having the US marines escorting her while people are throwing things at her. I chose this image because it really captures what African Americans going through the civil rights movement and in the 1960's had to deal with. Most of us know of the Little Rock 9 and how those African American Children went to school in fear of being attacked by whites or even being killed. To imagine what those kids went through is hard. I really feel that this image captures freedom at its worst being that a child, had to worry about being attacked just because of the color of her skin. People at that time were so threatened of desegregation and of African Americans gaining equal rights, that they lashed out in horrible ways. Freedom to me is having the right to make your own choices and having equal human rights. Freedom is not being afraid to do something because of a quality that makes you different, such as the color of your skin in this case. Every human being should have the right to freedom, although we know that this was not always possible and still is not perfect to this day.
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