Freedom to me is the ability to believe what I want religiously, work in an enviornment and culture that is equal, and choose to live and go where I want to be. Religion should be an individual decision based from your cultural and enviornmental experiences, whether from growing up with your family or friends you made at school, you should have the freedom to believe what you want to. I want to have the freedom to work in an equal setting with men and women, where ideas, and creativity flow freely and I am not discriminated upon because I am a women, this is an important freedom to me. Finally I think I should have the freedom to live wherever I would like and travel and go to wherever I would like to go. No restrictions based on race, gender or class, just the ability to travel and settle where I would want to.
These are freedoms I get to enjoy everyday and it is because of the past and those who fought to give me these freedoms, that I try to respectfully and thoughroughly enjoy these everyday.
African Americans had to fight everyday to get to enjoy these freedoms, and that is why this picture illustrates to me the struggle and daily efforts they went through to obtain these freedoms.
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