Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Final Blog

Throughout this class I have learned many concepts and theorys about African Americans that I had never known. Starting with the Slave trade and the middle passage, I never knew the specific details and trials they went through. I learned about the culture and effort they went through to hold on to and maintain a distict and unique culture. I realized that I was missing valuable history to my idea set of "American History."

My favorite thing I learned about this class was the comparison to modern culture, and historical past. From the clips of the dance troop for Wade in the Water, to Kara Walkers art, and The Song for Assata. There is so much black culture and expression that really relates to the past, and I had not seen that before now. I liked the comparisons because it helped me relate to the current times and how the past tied in to and influenced our current world. That was my favorite part of the class and I really enjoyed the differant art, dance, and music that we were able to listent to and watch because it helped me better understand the material.

I don't have just one thing I would like to learn more about rather, will take what I learned and apply to things I see to better understand and relate to the past. I think I learned a lot this semester and i know there is always more knowledge out there, but I found everything I learned to be helpful and teach me something new, so thank you!

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